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share - make local resource available for mounting by remote systems


share [ -F FSType ] [ -o specific_options ] [ -d description ] [ pathname ]




The share command exports, or makes a resource available for mounting, through a remote file system of type FSType. If the option -F FSType is omitted, the first file system type listed in /etc/dfs/fstypes is used as default. For a description of NFS specific options, see share_nfs(1M) . pathname is the pathname of the directory to be shared. When invoked with no arguments, share displays all shared file systems.


-F FSType
Specify the filesystem type.
-o specific_options
The specific_options are used to control access of the shared resource. (See share_nfs(1M) for the NFS specific options.) They may be any of the following:
pathname is shared read/write to all clients. This is also the default behavior.
pathname is shared read/write only to the listed clients. No other systems can access pathname.
pathname is shared read-only to all clients.
pathname is shared read-only only to the listed clients. No other systems can access pathname.
-d description
The -d flag may be used to provide a description of the resource being shared.


This line will share the /disk file system read-only at boot time.

share -F nfs -o ro /disk


list of share commands to be executed at boot time
list of file system types, NFS by default
system record of shared file systems

See Also

mountd(1M) , nfsd(1M) , share_nfs(1M) , shareall(1M) , unshare(1M)


Export (old terminology): file system sharing used to be called exporting on SunOS 4.x, so the share command used to be invoked as exportfs(1B) or /usr/sbin/exportfs.

If share commands are invoked multiple times on the same filesystem, the last share invocation supersedes the previous--the options set by the last share command replace the old options. For example, if read-write permission was given to usera on /somefs, then to give read-write permission also to userb on /somefs:

example% share -F nfs -o rw=usera:userb /somefs

This behavior is not limited to sharing the root filesystem, but applies to all filesystems.

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