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shutdown - close down the system at a given time


/usr/ucb/shutdown [ -fhknr ] time [ warning-message ... ]




shutdown provides an automated procedure to notify users when the system is to be shut down. time specifies when shutdown will bring the system down; it may be the word now (indicating an immediate shutdown), or it may specify a future time in one of two formats: +number and hour:min. The first form brings the system down in number minutes, and the second brings the system down at the time of day indicated in 24-hour notation.

At intervals that get closer as the apocalypse approaches, warning messages are displayed at terminals of all logged-in users, and of users who have remote mounts on that machine.

At shutdown time a message is written to the system log daemon, syslogd(1M) , containing the time of shutdown, the instigator of the shutdown, and the reason. Then a terminate signal is sent to init, which brings the system down to single-user mode.


As an alternative to the above procedure, these options can be specified:

Arrange, in the manner of fastboot(1B) , that when the system is rebooted, the file systems will not be checked.
Execute halt(1M) .
Simulate shutdown of the system. Do not actually shut down the system.
Prevent the normal sync(2) before stopping.
Execute reboot(1M) .


remote mounted file system table

See Also

fastboot(1B) , login(1) , halt(1M) , reboot(1M) , syslogd(1M) , sync(2) , rmtab(4)


Only allows you to bring the system down between now and 23:59 if you use the absolute time for shutdown.

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