ssacli(1M) manual page
Table of Contents
ssacli - SPARCstorage Array Command Line Interface
[ option... ] action object...
The ssacli
command is now obsolete and has been replaced with the ssaadm command.
The ssacli command will not be available in future releases.
The ssacli
command is a command line interface application that manages the SPARCstorage
Array. ssacli performs a variety of control and query tasks depending on
the command line arguments and options used.
The command line must contain
an action, and one or in some cases more than one object. It may also contain
options and other parameters depending on the action. The action is applied
to each of the objects on the command line.
- -v
- Verbose mode.
options specific to the action are described below.
In the following
descriptions, <ctlr> is used as the pathname of the controller and <unit> is
used as the pathname of a disk.
The pathname of the controller can be the
physical path of the controller.
An example of a physical path is:
or it can be an entry of the form
where cN is the logical controller
number. (See disks(1M)
for more information on logical names for disks
and controllers).
The ssacli program uses the cN entry to find an entry
in the /dev/rdsk directory of a disk that is attached to the SPARCstorage
Array controller. The /dev/rdsk entry is then used to find the physical
name of the SPARCstorage Array controller.
The <unit> is addressed by its
logical or physical address.
An example of a logical disk address is: /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2.
- [
- -p ] display <ctlr><unit>...
Display configuration or performance information.
- -p
- used to display performance
information. If it is not already enabled the accumulation of the performance
statistics should be enabled before displaying the performance information.
If it is not all of the I/O’s per second will be displayed as zeros.
performance display shows the following information:
- In percent,
how busy the MicroSparc controller in the SPARCstorage Array is.
- The
total I/O’s per second for the SPARCstorage Array.
- entries for each disk
- the total I/O’s per second for that disk.
- -s
- [-w wwn] [-f filename] download
Download an image to the SPARCstorage Array controller.
Note: The download
modifies the FEPROM on the SPARCstorage Array and should be used with caution.
When the download is complete the SPARCstorage Array must be reset in
order to use the downloaded code.
- -s
- Specifies to save the downloaded image.
- -s -f filename download <ctlr>
- When issuing the download action with only
a filename and not a -w wwn the SPARCstorage Array controller’s firmware
will be upgraded but the World Wide Name will not be changed.
- -s -w wwn download
- By using the -w wwn without a file (-f) the SPARCstorage Array controller’s
World Wide name can be changed.
- [
- -s ] -c fast_write <ctlr|unit>
- [
- -s ] -d
fast_write <ctlr|unit>
- [
- -s ] -e fast_write <ctlr|unit>
Select fast write mode for all units or for a specified unit.
- -s
- Save the
state that is currently being requested so it will persist across power-cycles.
- -c
- Enables fast writes for synchronous writes only.
- -d
- Disables all fast
- -e
- Enables fast writes for all writes.
- -d perf_statistics
- <ctlr>
- -e
- <ctlr>
Disable/enable the accumulation of performance statistics.
- purge <ctlr|unit>
Purges any fast write data from NVRAM for one unit, or all units if the
controller is specified. This option should be used with caution, usually
only when a drive has failed.
- reserve <ctlr|unit>
Reserve the controller or a unit for exclusive use by the issuing host.
- release <ctlr|unit>
Release a reservation.
- start <ctlr|unit>...
Spin up all units in the controller or a specific unit.
- -t <tray number> start
Spin up all units in the selected tray.
- stop <ctlr|unit>...
Spin down all units in the controller or a specific unit.
- -t <tray number>
stop <ctlr>
Spin down all units in the selected tray.
- sync_cache <ctlr|unit>
Flushes all outstanding writes for all units or for the specified unit
from NVRAM to the media.
The following exit values are returned:
- Successful completion.
- -1
- An error occurred.
, ssaadm(1M)
For more information, see the
Table of Contents