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talk - talk to another user


talk address [ terminal ]




The talk utility is a two-way, screen-oriented communication program.

When first invoked, talk sends a message similar to:

Message from TalkDaemon@ her_machine at time ...
talk: connection requested by your_address
talk: respond with: talk your_address

to the specified address. At this point, the recipient of the message can reply by typing:

talk your_address

Once communication is established, the two parties can type simultaneously, with their output displayed in separate regions of the screen. Characters are processed as follows:

Permission to be a recipient of a talk message can be denied or granted by use of the mesg(1) utility. However, a user’s privilege may further constrain the domain of accessibility of other users’ terminals. Certain commands, such as pr(1) , disallow messages in order to prevent interference with their output. talk will fail when the user lacks the appropriate privileges to perform the requested action.

Certain block-mode terminals do not have all the capabilities necessary to support the simultaneous exchange of messages required for talk. When this type of exchange cannot be supported on such terminals, the implementation may support an exchange with reduced levels of simultaneous interaction or it may report an error describing the terminal-related deficiency.


The following operands are supported:
The recipient of the talk session. One form of address is the username, as returned by the who(1) utility. Other address formats and how they are handled are unspecified.
If the recipient is logged in more than once, terminal can be used to indicate the appropriate terminal name. If terminal is not specified, the talk message will be displayed on one or more accessible terminals in use by the recipient. The format of terminal will be the same as that returned by who.


See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of talk: LC_CTYPE , LC_MESSAGES , and NLSPATH .
Determine the name of the invoker’s terminal type. If this variable is unset or null, an unspecified terminal type will be used.

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:
  1. Successful completion.
    An error occurred or talk was invoked on a terminal incapable of supporting it.


    host name database
    user and accounting information for talk

    See Also

    mail(1) , mesg(1) , pr(1) , stty(1) , who(1) , write(1) , termios(3) , environ(5)


    Because the handling of non-printable, non-space characters is tied to the stty(1) description of iexten, implementation extensions within the terminal driver can be accessed. For example, some implementations provide line editing functions with certain control character sequences.

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