ssaadm(1M) manual page
Table of Contents
ssaadm - Administration program for the SPARCstorage Array
[ -v ] subcommand [ subcommand_option ... ] pathname ...
The ssaadm program is an administrative command that manages
the SPARCstorage Array. ssaadm performs a variety of control and query tasks
depending on the command line arguments and options used.
The command line
must contain a subcommand (listed under USAGE
) and at least one pathname.
It may also contain options and other parameters depending on the subcommand.
The subcommand is applied to each of the pathnames on the command line.
pathname specifies the SPARCstorage Array controller or a disk in the SPARCstorage
Array. The controller name is specified by its physical name, for example,
or by a name of
the form
where N is the logical controller number. ssaadm uses the
cN name to find an entry in the /dev/rdsk directory of a disk that is attached
to the SPARCstorage Array controller. The /dev/rdsk entry is then used to
determine the physical name of the SPARCstorage Array controller. A disk
in the SPARCstorage Array is specified by its logical or physical device
name, for example,
See disks(1M)
for more information on logical names for disks and controllers.
- -v
- Verbose mode.
Subcommands and their options are described below.
- pathname
- The SPARCstorage Array controller or a disk in the SPARCstorage
- display
- [-p] pathname...
Display configuration information for the specified unit(s) or display
performance information for the specified SPARCstorage Array controller.
If pathname specifies the controller, the configuration information is
displayed for all disks in the SPARCstorage Array.
- -p
- Display performance
information for the specified SPARCstorage Array controller. The accumulation
of the performance statistics must be enabled using the perf_statistics
subcommand before displaying the performance information. If not enabled,
all of the I/O’s per second will be displayed as zeros.
The performance display
reports the following information:
- How busy the controller in the
SPARCstorage Array is, expressed as a percentage.
- The total I/O’s per
second for the SPARCstorage Array.
- entries for each disk
- The total number
of I/O’s per second.
- download -f
- filename pathname
- download -w
- wwn pathname
Download an image to the SPARCstorage Array controller.
- -f
- Download the
prom image specified by filename to the SPARCstorage Array controller FEPROMs.
When the download is complete the SPARCstorage Array must be reset in order
to use the downloaded code. Note that the download subcommand modifies
the FEPROM on the SPARCstorage Array and should be used with caution.
- -w
- Change the SPARCstorage Array controller’s World Wide Name. wwn is a 12
digit hex number, leading zero’s required. The new SPARCstorage Array controller’s
image will have the least significant 6 bytes of the 8 byte World Wide
Name modified to wwn.
- fast_write
- [-s] -c pathname
- fast_write
- [-s] -d pathname
- fast_write
- [-s] -e pathname
Enable or disable the use of the NVRAM to enhance the performance of writes
in the SPARCstorage Array. pathname may refer to the SPARCstorage Array
controller or to an individual disk.
- -s
- Save the state that is currently
being requested so it will persist across power-cycles.
- -c
- Enable fast writes
for synchronous writes only.
- -e
- Enable fast writes.
- -d
- Disable fast writes.
- fc_s_download
- [-f fcode-file]
Download the fcode contained in the file fcode-file into all the FC/S
Sbus Cards. This command is interactive and expects user confirmation
before downloading the fcode. When invoked without the [-f fcode-file] option,
the current version of the fcode in each FC/S Sbus card is printed. Note
that the fc_s_download subcommand should be used only in single-user mode;
otherwise the FC/S card could be reset.
- perf_statistics
- -e pathname
- perf_statistics
- -d pathname
Enable or disable the accumulation of performance statistics for the specified
SPARCstorage Array controller. The accumulation of performance statistics
must be enabled before using the display -p subcommand. This subcommand can
be issued only to the SPARCstorage Array controller.
- -e
- Enable the accumulation
of performance statistics.
- -d
- Disable the accumulation of performance statistics.
- purge
- pathname
Purge any fast write data from NVRAM for one disk, or all disks if the
controller is specified. This option should be used with caution, usually
only when a drive has failed.
- reserve
- pathname
Reserve the specified controller(s) or disk(s) for exclusive use by the
issuing host.
- release
- pathname
Release a reservation held on the specified controller(s) or disk(s).
- set_boot_dev
- [-y] pathname
Set the boot-device variable in the PROM to the physical device name specified
by pathname which can be a block special device or a mount-point. The
command normally runs interactively and requests confirmation for setting
the default boot-device in the PROM. The -y option can be used to run in
it non-interactive mode, in which case no confirmation is requested or required.
- start
- [-t tray-number] pathname
Spin up the specified disk(s). If pathname specifies the controller, this
action applies to all disks in the SPARCstorage Array.
- -t
- Spin up all disks
in the tray specified by tray-number. pathname must specify the controller.
- stop
- [-t tray-number] pathname
Spin down the specified disk(s). If pathname specifies the controller, this
action applies to all disks in the SPARCstorage Array.
- -t
- Spin down all disks
in the tray specified by tray-number. pathname must specify the controller.
- sync_cache
- pathname
Flush all outstanding writes for the specified disk(s) from NVRAM to the
media. If pathname specifies the controller, this action applies to all
disks in the SPARCstorage Array.
The following exit values are
- Successful completion.
- non-zero
- An error occurred.
Table of Contents